Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Eyebrow Shape$15
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Upper Lips$10
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Men Eyebrow$20

Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Brow Heena$35
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.

Facial & Bleach
Mini Facial$50
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Fruit Facial$70
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Deep Cleansing$80
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Deluxe Facial$100
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Advance Acne Facial$100
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Vitamin C Facial$125
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Herbal Bleach$30
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Gold/Diamond Bleach$35
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.

Brow Lamination
Brow Lamination$70
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Lamination With Brow Shape$85
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Keratin Brow Lamination$80
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Keratine Lamination With Shape + Heena$110
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.

Eyelash Extension
Eyelash Perming$70
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Keratin Lash Lift$70
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Natural Eyelash Extentionfrom $110
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Dramatic Eyelash Extentionfrom $120
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Eyelash Volume Extentionfrom $120
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Eyelash Extention Refill Fromfrom $70
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Eyelash Extention Removal Fromfrom $35
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.

Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Full Arms$30
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Half Arms$20
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
3/4 Arms$25
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Under Arms$20
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Half Legs$30
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
3/4 Legs$45
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Full Legs$50
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Full Back$60
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Half Back$30
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Bikini Line$20
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
BrazilianFrom $50
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
XXX WaxFrom $50
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.
Full body wax
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.